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This update contains two new group attack animations: 1 for Calix the Catboy and 1 for Daisy the Cowgirl ^_^

I've also been working a lot on fixing the reported bugs during this month. Some of you have said that the latest versions have been more or less "unplayable" (characters appearing in the brothel despite not having beaten them, characters disappearing altogether, etc.)

This has required a lot of bug hunting, and some of them I haven't even been able to replicate at all...it's also been quite frustrating since some people have reported such huge issues while others haven't had them at all, and this has made it all even more difficult. What I have done, which will hopefully solve all these issues, is to add some triggers which will prevent you from going any further if you haven't beaten the latest monstergirl/boy. I suspect that the problems occur when the player has triggered some kind of event further in the game which "belongs" to a character they may not have beaten yet, thus causing problems with the variables. This means you now need to fight the characters in the "correct" order...however, since a lot of people have also wanted a clearer direction of what to do, this should solve this issue as well.

Hopefully the problems have been corrected now ^_^;



Username and password:



The gallery cheat code is "groups". 

Cheat code for money is "monies".  You can type this word using the keys at any time during the game, and each time, you'll get 1000 gold.  

Using your old save file:

If you have an old version of the game: regarding the save file, just copy and paste your  old save and put it together with the .exe file in the folder (the one  with the MLH icon). Here's a picture to show you how it should be  placed: 

If you find any bugs, I'd appreciate if you could let me know ^_^




I restarted the game over to try out the new guidance system and here's the bugs I found. 1# After getting the catboy I went to get the cowgirl and it wouldn't bring up her dialog or start a battle with her (resolved by closing the game and reopening). 2# In first scene with Batilda in the woods with the foxgirl it didn't drag me forward to the next screen after the dialog box popped up. I then walked over to them and nothing happened until I bumped into the foxgirl and started her fight. I fled and then walked back toward town and when I hit a certain point It started the scene no problem. 3# When fighting the horseboy as only Golda I used the skunk spray on him and he started draining life even when the animations weren't happening. When I used my next attackI won as he likely had a HP value of 0 or some negative number. Hope this information helps.


Thanks for letting me know! Still some bugs left, I see...but at least it looks like the major ones are gone. I'll look into these asap ^_^


is there going to have another cheat code before moving to MLH2? like max "exp cheat" or "no damage" some thing like that?


I had Daisy break on me too. Gonna see if restarting fixes it


Nope, still broke. Can I submit my save somewhere for you to look at?


Ekhm, looks like cat boy is stubborn : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/588430671253471235/588430955098931227/unknown.png