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Here is a small playable preview of one of the levels in "The Secret of Zombolia" ^_^

Important info:

- This game is not a "demo", just a small preview. Not all features are included yet (including the usage of the skull potion).

- In this preview, you can only play the adult version.

- There is 1 sprite sex animation featuring the "Cylcops Plant Girl" (she was the winner of the first enemy poll).


Moving left and right: Arrow keys

Jumping: Up arrow key

Attacking: Down arrow key

Zooming in and out of the sprite sex animation: Up and down arrow keys

Proceed after message from the chests: Space key

Proceed from game over screen and start screen: Enter key

Even though this is just a small "bare bones" preview, please let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues ^_^

Download: you can download the file as an attachment here in this post.




I got some error saying it won't run because the game has to be a certain screen resolution, despite my screen being that resolution


Is this going to be fullscreen only? or is it just for the preview?


the game just crashes for me when i started it up


After opening up the second chest for the skull besides the Cyclops Plant Girl, Alexa wouldn't move and i had to restart the game.


That's strange...I've tried running it in several resolutions without encountering this issue. What screen resolution do you use?


The full game versions will also have windowed versions, but the small previews are full-screen ^_^


Strange, I cannot replicate the issue on my end. Did you press the space button, and nothing happened? Did the game freeze (meaning the music and everything would just stop), or did the controls just become unresponsive?