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As mentioned earlier on https://www.patreon.com/posts/mlh-game-update-21750270, the growth of "Monster Love Hotel" and issues due to its size, has made me determined to do something which I  think many of you might find interesting, and which will solve a lot of the problems that seem to become unavoidable if I don't. I had planned to write this post much earlier in this month, but I've spent some time on how to properly write it all down so it won't be confusing ^_^

In short: "Monster Love Hotel" has grown into...quite the monster itself, size-wise. Since the game was not originally planned to be this big, all the tweaking and changes in order to add new things has become quite the hassle. A total revamp of the game would have required a lot of unnecessary time, and to be perfectly honest I don't see the point of making it more difficult than it could be...which is why I have decided that Erwan and Golda's adventures will "end" in "Monster Love Hotel" after beating Allard (and becoming an official couple and marrying each other), but their adventures will continue in a sequel simply called "Monster Love Hotel 2" ^_^

This sequel will continue their adventures while collecting new monstergirls and monsterboys for the hotel, and a lot of some needed changes will be implemented as well.

Here's a short list of some improvements and changes that the sequel will contain:

1. A better resolution (full-screen)

2. Improved walking sprites for Erwan and Golda

3. A better mix of males, females and futa (where each batch of new characters will always include 2 new females, 2 new males, and 1 futa). Polls will still be held, but for each category.

Naturally, "Monster Love Hotel" needs to be completed before I start working on the sequel, but the current batch of remaining characters (Clovis, Kizzie and Jettie) will be the last ones to be added in this game.

I think this is a much better solution than throwing the game into some kind of "revamp-hell" ^_^

Let me know in the comments field below if you have any questions regarding this.




It's a really good idea.


Sounds like a great plan to me.


yep, good ideas ^_^


I agree with the making of a sequel....you know what they say, If it ain't broke don't fix it...This game is just fine how it is, and the "revamp-hell" would just be a headache for you and a hassle for us. Save us both the trouble and take the high road, Vanja.


I’m glad and a bit put off by this announcement. I’m glad you’re still working on the game, though I don’t think it needs a sequel. But then again, there’s a lot of unexplored areas to expand on that you seem to have less room for future updates. PRICK QUESTION: How long should we expect to wait before the first release?


The first release will be once "Monster Love Hotel" has been completed. I expect to show off some previews up until then, though ^_^