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Here's the game update for August ^_^

Here's what's new:

- New npc: Maren Ryder! You can meet this character in the area above the succubus brothel, after you have beaten the succubi. She will become one of Bardolf's customers. After meeting her, you'll need to sleep in order to activate that she becomes a customer.

- A story revealing a little bit more about Golda's feelings for Erwan. As mentioned previously, their feelings for each other will gradually grow and in the end of the game they'll become a couple ^_^. This short story can be achieved only after beating the succubi, and will be activated with the "Sleep" button.

- An animation from the upcoming Elva sex battle can be seen in a preview. Elva is located nearby the farm (she'll only be there after beating the succubi).

- Bug fix: a reported bug that would cause the game to freeze in the gallery has been fixed. This would happen in the Succubi and Veda galleries: clicking "Back" would cause the game to freeze on the loading screen.

- Bug fix: I had quite some trouble with another reported bug: someone reported that after getting back from some battles, the player sprite would get "stuck" in bushes or trees, making them unable to move. After a lot of testing and trying to replicate the issue (which I wasn't able to do), I did some adjustments to the location after a battle which will hopefully eradicate such issues. If anyone still experiences this, I'd really appreciate if you could let me know, and maybe send me a screenshot so I can see where it happened and where the sprite ended up.



Username and password:



Cheat code for the gallery is "romance123".

Cheat code for money is "monies".  You can type this word using the keys at any time during the game, and each time, you'll get 1000 gold.  

Using your old save file:

If you have an old version of the game: regarding the save file, just copy and paste your  old save and put it together with the .exe file in the folder (the one  with the MLH icon). Here's a picture to show you how it should be  placed: 

 If you find any bugs, I'd appreciate if you could let me know ^_^



알비온 섹시한 영웅

If you click on Veda during gallery mode and exit it. you gotta redo the cheats again


can you do something with golda fucking erwan using her futa spell? that can be great to see her fucking him in the ass(or doing anything else with him using her penis) but in a loving and romantic way


Hmm...this probably happens because loading the Succubi and Veda galleries loads another part of the game, which means going back wil re-load the other part and thus make the cheat code field "unused" again...I'll look into this and figure out a way to make the cheat code work simultaneously ^_^


Yes. There will be more story scenes like this first one where they get intimate with each other, and I'll let them use all their spells on each other during these various scenes ^_^


It wont let me sleep, the game is going to that screen then it just locks


That's strange...I've tried to replicate the issue, but have failed to do so. Does it lock up on the "sleep" screen and clicking the mouse button won't help at all? Does the music stop, or does it continue to play?


Hello, I am currently having huge problems installing/playing the game. I have the zip file, but I can't take out the stuff inside the zip file.


What os do you have, Windows? If so, the zip file can be extracted by right-clicking on it and choosing "extract files" ^_^