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I wish I could render all my works like this!



nice !!


I kind of like yours better though


I recognize that the image reworked by the AI is incredible, you would have to be dishonest to say the opposite, but I admit that I prefer your style. I'm not just a fan of their beautiful chests but also of their typically nick cockman faces. Or, I say this without ulterior motives, if you showed the comic version of your film with images made in AI.




Comics with AI-enhanced images. I'd really love that. As for the faces vs. chests - the AI did not just work on the face.


I wish you could render like this too! Someday….


Well, it's an interesting thought. A couple of days ago, I had a chat with my brother and we were agreeing on the fact that there was more elegance and beauty in a skillfully-made 'old-fashioned' (say, late 2000's) drawn videogame than in modern, realistic, lifelike, 'perfect-and-cold' videogame character renderings. As it is, both renderings shown here are really nice IMHO. Besides, I guess the 'Magnific AI' rendering wouldn't be so gorgeous wouldn't it be applied to the already beautiful preliminary Nick's 'classic' character design. Indeed, AI characters tend to share the same facial and ocular expression again and again, whatever the skin tan or the eye color, which can be unsettling. Moreover, as with novels compared to their often-disappointing movie counterparts, I like it when my own imagination has some degrees of liberty so as to fill in the gaps...


I normally don't like AI images, but here its pretty damn good. What is stopping you from using it all the time?


"I guess the 'Magnific AI' rendering wouldn't be so gorgeous wouldn't it be applied to the already beautiful preliminary Nick's 'classic' character design." Thank you for the compliment, but let me correct you: here is a screenshot of what this AI can do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajm6FbqhB80 However, I agree about the facial expressions and the numerous errors it can generate (don't look too closely at the eyes and fingers... Winston has two thumbs on his left hand, for example). I closely follow developments in this field, and it has been a year and a half since this type of bug has not been (cannot be?) fixed, even by Magnific AI, which is by far the best upscaler I've tried.


The major problem is lack of consistency. You'll get a new character almost everytime you generate an image, which makes any video render impossible for now. Then there are also all the frequent artefacts (multiple fingers, strabismus) and misunderstandings (a penis turned to a finger) the AI can do.


Thank you for sharing with us teachings from your experiments with some AI applied to graphic upscaling, Nick, the more so because I've only seen and heard glimpses of their capabilities so far, with no first-hand experience of use. The AI confusion that you describe between the thumb and the other fingers, between fingers and penis, or the generation of a strabismus not present before, points to the fact that there's still (luckily !) some progress to be made before a fully perceptive AI is available to the general public (as in 'Short Circuit', it seems to need 'more input' ^_^). As for the remarkable upscale of an otherwise unrefined polygonal early-PS1-era Lara Croft character shown on the Youtube video you're referring too, even though it is a remarkable achievement from a technical point-of-view, it is nothing, on an artistic and aesthetic level, near the glamour of what the AI can do, based on your own TK17 rendering of Lara Croft. There is the matter of the stance, the proportions... At last, I guess an AI unable to 'understand' what a finger is, and how many are expected to be found on a human hand, is still unable to generate humorous, consistent, innovative and thrilling stories by itself : that it keeps being no more than a tool, however sophisticated, is a relief for the sake of mankind IMHO !