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⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aqlhrx5d789zh99ao8gaq/X-Team-Episode-4-For-your-ass-only.mp4?rlkey=81b848kedng5bsfhkash580ya&dl=0



Good stuff!


Oh, man, 'Arno Bernhardt' as the financial backer of Computer Boy's activities : had a really good laugh with that one ^_^ I found the plot quite consistent (does compare favorably with the plot of so many mainstream contemporary Hollywood movies, at the least, IMHO...) and had pleasure watching the video and reading the dialogs all along for the sake of discovering what is to me a really, albeit quite dark (that's where the humor in the dialogs plays a key-role too), immersive story. The undressing of both Computer Boy's pants and Super Slut's top was smooth and seemed perfectly natural (since both undressings were supposed to be swift), despite the TK17 limitations in that respect. Generally-speaking, the whole short-movie (since it's artistically more one than a 'mere' sequence of animations) shows a remarkable care for the details, be it the view angles, the non-sexual refined animations or the way the story unravels. On a more 'down-to-Earth' note however (since it's much appreciated as well ^_^), I'm particularly fond of the poses starting at 14'00'', 18'48'' and 19'53'' : I'm not sure I've already watched them in the past but, in any event, they're just great additions IMHO. All that to say that I'm once more both impressed and grateful to you, Nick, for this valuable addition to a steadily-growing adult library of animated masterpieces.


I really liked the reverse cowgirl on the floor set of poses, as short as that sequence was. Nice work.


For what it's worth, YurboiDima_zxcv, I am of the opinion that one can certainly watch the final battle scene in Conan the Barbarian (the 1982 movie) without having watched the rest of the movie and enjoy it. However, one will thus miss what makes this scene epic and touching, since the sudden rescue by Valeria, as well as the breaking of the sword forged by Conan's father, invalidate the latter's teaching about weapons (steel) being the only thing trustworthy in the World. The same can be said with the scene of Roy Batty's death in Blade Runner (1982 movie as well). Great scene the more so if you've watched the rest of the movie. What I'm aiming at is that I believe the real value in Nick's work is that it's much more than about porn animation : Nick does that exceedingly well, but he offers us all much more, and it's a waste not to enjoy it fully and express a well-deserved gratitude in return, as I tried to. Just my two cents, and I'll leave the issue, if issue there is, at that...
