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⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/s5xcnz95t3xbabpv9p1pb/h?rlkey=kl4i8yicnrne5dbc9n7bu8h1b&dl=0

☝️ You don't have to download this pack if you're not a Basic User patron.

☝️ !!! Best of MF [2] contains poses designed for !BmxRCxxPhy & SmallWaistRoundButt mods

☝️ !!! Best of MF [3] contains poses designed for BodyMegaTits mod


If the toy (Magazine) doesn't show up when loading a pose, this is because the game attributed the wrong ID to the toy. You have to manually fix this (I didn't find out an easier way to do it) :

1- Go to TheKlub17\Save
2- Backup your "tk17_autotool_ids.lua" file
3- Open the "tk17_autotool_ids.lua" with Notepad++
4- Make sure you have this line :

[6020] = { mid = "MagazineOpen", tid = 1,  },

a) If you don't, simply add it.
b) If you see other numbers like that :

[6000] = { mid = "MagazineOpen", tid = 1,  },

Just modify the number (6020 for Magazine).

5- Save your changes.
6- Done.


💡When using your own models, if the toys' position is wrong, do the following:

1- Press F12 to display the Customizer.
2- Click on the 'Body' tag. 

3- At the bottom of the category, double-click on the dildo icon to set the values to default. 

4- Done.


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