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This room is not required for the next release but it's time to release all the rooms I've made for the Sequencer Room mod. Here's the Gym:

⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k8k57t11tvst1xjrtwfz0/SchoolGym.zip?rlkey=4eyyzfyujkr081gsv4pazh7ii&dl=0

☝️Previous version of the mod is required. Still available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/marks-house-80712884

🎞️ How to use the Sequencer Room mod :

👨‍🏫 To install, unzip and drag & drop the 'Mod' folder into your TK17 folder. Overwrite when asked.


Credits : Sexvision, sadekhnd



Wow, so many new possibilities with acrobatic poses, breast physics and view angles, thanks to all the gym equipments included... All I lack is unfortunately the talent to implement it myself (T_T), so I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers and hope for our 'good shepherd' here to, perhaps one day, eventually give 'graphical life' to such animation fantasies ^_^