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⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oqgev9n36jcgwxr/AACjBiwrRvi4BCAj418E5Z-xa?dl=0

Password : g0bl1n


If the toys don't show up when loading a pose, this is because the game attributed the wrong ID to the toy. You have to manually fix this (I didn't find out an easier way to do it) :

1- Go to TheKlub17\Save

2- Backup your "tk17_autotool_ids.lua" file

3- Open the "tk17_autotool_ids.lua" with Notepad++

4- Copy/paste the following lines (but first make sure you don't have conflicts with pre-existing IDs !)  :

[6028] = {mid = "Cane", tid = 1,  },

5- Save your changes.

6- Done.


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