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I hesitated a long time before I decided to share this room. The reason is it crashes quite a lot (out of memory crashes)... But I still managed to shoot a complex 30-minute video with it so here it is.

When you unzip, you see two folders : ROOM and EXTRAS. ROOM contains the safe version (can crash sometimes though... but I didn't have issues when using on my laptop in PoseEdit mode) and EXTRAS contains files to get animated screens (see gif below). I don't recommend to use them, I provide them only for lovers of technology who'd like to know how I made some special effects.

☝️ One last thing : characters have to be resized to maximum height (6'0) in this location. Otherwise they'll look ridiculously small.

⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/s/mchibf6uwb74kmj/NCM%20ComputerBoy%20Cave%20H5.zip?dl=0


Credits : Keido


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