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What did you think of the alternative offered this month with Greatest Tits : two short videos instead of a long one ? Would you like me to do that again ?


Kenneth Rhodes

I like it. It's like a filler between your longer projects (WOW, X-Team, etc)


Great stories. Both of them. Incredible models with Heavenly Size. Great dialogue. Especially like the fondling of the breasts. Hands on breasts adds a lot. I vote you do what you enjoy, because it will show in your finished product. Thanks a lot.


I wasn't a fan of the stories tbh. Ignoring the story, the scenes were fine. That being said not all short videos are bad. I like your Hardcore Henry video a lot so what I think is that it boils down to whether the person likes the short videos. If the frequency is less, than count me out(say 8 times a year to 6 times). If the frequency of releases are the same then its fine as the wait for the next release isn't as long.