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Quick text post, guys. No image, sorry. I really wanted to thank the members who regularly comment on my page, who tell me what they like or how eager they are to get the next pack. It really, really helps to endure compulsive consumers and their "when next video ?" or "send me the decrypt key"... 

I've just blocked my hundredth (at least) user for trolling and was about to write a furious post. But then I reread all your kind comments or messages and it made me forget that asshole.

So thank you, Christian Herrera, dingo1489, Kenneth Rhodes, FPM, ygk/yankees27nj, ThaKing242, Bob Abafratchi, Tim Griffin, wizgum, Ricky, Vaughn Hansen, george smith, OneDude207, connerix, andrew, The B, Mad_Max, Tommy... I think of you (no gay) when I spend hours working out every detail, because I know you'll appreciate it. Thank you for respecting my work. You rock.




Your videos are awesome. Keep doing what you're doing at the pace you're able. I'm here for it 🀘


Appreciate you dude. Will always be a supporter for as long as you choose to make amazing content. i know negativity always seems to stand out more but Haters aren't worth your time and attention. keep your head up and think positive thoughts to clear your mind. *thumbs up*


Hey Nick I appreciate your work no matter what the trolls say about it or demand content from you. There is always going to be those type of people it's easy for them to do what they want and it's just as easy to ignore them too. You keep doing you and keep the amazing content you've given us now and for future fun times to come!


Love your stuff man. It's nice that you did not make a rant and did this instead. It's more healthy imo. Keep up the good work and positivity!


Thank you for your wonderfull and creative work. Any comments I make are done with great respect.


Most of the time, it's easy. But when it's repeated too often, the vase overflows.


Nick, you deserve the best!! Your works always surprise us and make the amazing sex imaginary come true!! I have been watching you since a long time ago and still remember the very first movie I watched from you are ultimate poses I/II. They are pretty hot and you tell the story in short and delivery the hot sex poses with climax background music.... That's other creator cannot do it! Ofcause, you made me become a lara lover :D So thanks for your touching word and just kick those asshole out of your mind and just remember you have many supporters like us keep amazing us :D


Thank you for the kind words. And mostly, thank you for all the time energy and effort you put into your work.


Fuck the assholes. No pun intended. You do amazing work and introduced me to my all time favorite game/program "The Klub 17". You are Awsome bro! Keep it up!


For me you have always been a beacon to showcase the amazing creative potential of tk17. I am often amazed at what you are able to do and it inspires me. Keep shining Nick as there are many of us who respect all that you do.


I found Dirty Annie on porn site and honestly think it's one of the sexiest porn videos I've ever seen. Your stuff is great! Keep going! And at some point can we see what Annie is up to with your young nerd boy!! That's gotta be one of your most requested videos? Right?? Thanks again.

Kenneth Rhodes

It would be cool to see Dirty Anne again, even if it's with a different young stud, lol


Love the work, I am glad you have found people that respect the craft.

The B

We thank you for your great art!