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⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/42e9jrn7fes7zoxk6s7tc/h?rlkey=6unst6ilc1s8flx2up3frrhv6&dl=0

☝️ The poses with the EBONY BABE icon are designed for the ANASTASIYA body.

☝️ The poses with the REDHEAD BABE icon are designed for the MEGA TITS body.



It looks like pose names don't contain the information as it was demonstrated in the preview video. This is also true for the poses in the sequence folder.


They do but you probably didn't update your Community folder. This is something you have to do as Beta tester. Don't forget to drag and drop this folder.


I did as you said, but the community folder only seemed to have had and added the two sequences. The pose names still don't have the information.


OK, figured it out. The community folder in the full pack has files the sequence pack folder doesn't have, which is where I was taking from. My bad.


the content is not available on mega. can you fix that please? thanx