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⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/s/g94gf1jsf824bz4/NCM%20SequencerRoom.zip?dl=0

⚠️ Requires Hook 5 paid/extended - The room is huge and takes a while to load (up to 1 minute !).

🎞️ How the Sequencer Room works : https://www.dropbox.com/s/slt6lrjbibuopcv/Sequencerroom-1.mp4?dl=0


Credits : Mute123, siberia


Kenneth Rhodes

I see a lot of hot, sweaty action going on in these rooms


Nice pad!


for some reason the room is very distorted and isnt loading correctly. a lot of red intertwined with the environment assets. looks like a corrupted video.. best way i can describe it. i have hook 5 extended and the loft loads great. do i need interface 2 or anything else?


Everything you need is in the link. Apart it takes a while to load and can cause FPS loss (depending on your graphics card), the room is working fine.


First, cool looking Bachelor Pad, loads fine even with 4 characters. The Change Location Arrows on the interface don't seem to work and the only position seems to be the doorway. Any advice?


Nice location. Just needs some more refined position and it'll be perfect.


Adding more positions will cause conflicts with the other rooms I planned to add to this multi-room project. Poses can be easily moved in Sequencer mode / Free Mode.


Sequencer mode then, got it. The error was in Free Mode.


Hey they only txt. file i see is the bachelor flat? I checked the download I did not see any other txt. file.