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I made 68 animations so far and the video already lasts 19 minutes but I'm quite far from finishing this project ! I could rush it and move to another one but I think the end would be frustrating with only one episode. So I decided to take my time and split it into two parts. I'll release part two in December. As a result I won't be able to make a Christmas project this year...

But I planned to work on the first episode of Porn Academy next.

๐Ÿ“… To sum up, here's what I planned for now :
- 10.31.2021 : The X-Team - It's alive (I)
- 11.30.2021 : Dabbling in water colours
- 12.31.2021 : The X-Team - It's alive (II)
- January/February 2022 : Porn Academy - Episode 1

Oh, and new video teaser on Wednesday !



Christian Herrera

2 parter!?! Didn't see that coming ๐Ÿ˜ณ Just hopefully things are working out smoothly and this came from being inspired or desire to do alot with this scenario. As long as you're ok with it, that's what matters most Nick ๐Ÿ™


Oooo a 2 parter this is gonna be epic thanks nick

Gosha Gomez

No rushing (so we get quality) and a 2-part episode (so we get quantity).. You're the best, Nick!


Glad to see you taking your time, 68 poses is already quite a bit, so getting a second part is quite exciting. That said, the Dabbling in Water Colors is a bit out of left field. What kind of poses can we expect from it?


Nice man =D


Sweet. Take your time, itโ€™s better when youโ€™re proud of the work.


Nice, well worth the wait!