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Hey guys,

First I want to thank you for your kind messages. I'm so glad to see you again and able to produce new content. I took time away from my screen during the summer and it made me feel really good. I feel much better now and ready to make ultimate poses again ! 

During my break, I was afraid many people leave but it didn't happen. I'm so grateful you stayed supporting me. 🙏🙏🙏

🎁 To thank you for your loyalty, here's a link to get 26 shooting poses (animated) for free. It's not much, but I never shared shooting poses, so you might find them useful anyway :

⬇️  https://mega.nz/folder/2tNRyQbK#eue_pMmjtUJyzAWrA2ly0A

(This is not a permanent link so make sure to download them as soon as possible.)

Change #1 :

20 models have been added to the catalogue.

👁️ Have a closer look here : https://mega.nz/folder/v903XSSA#sGQm-sBRAFL7ZhMqlhKNHA

Change #2 :

During my break, I asked myself how I could keep producing as much as before and take some rest at the same time to avoid another burnout... If I want to keep the frequency of release every 4-6 weeks, I have to stop something. So I decided to stop creating interactive sequences. Instead I'll only share the sequence I used to create the video, allowing you to play the same story with alternative models and to modify the lines according to your taste.

Change #3 :

The Producer reward is now suspended but I want to give Hardcore Gamers pledgers (& above) the possibility to send me requests, providing pics of the poses they'd like to see in the next projects. You won't have the guarantee to see all the poses you requested every time (I'll select only the ones that are best suited to the ongoing project) but this is a way to get you  involved in the creative process. I'll make a specific post to give you the details later.

Change #4 :

I've been asked if I could share some outfits in the same way I share models with the 'Booty Hunter' reward. So I decided to create a new reward called 'Fashion Maniac'. I'll make a specific post to give you the details later.

Change #5 :

I've also added another new reward called 'Beta Tester', allowing you to get anticipated access to the upcoming pack of poses. I'll also give you the details in a specific post later.


So this is what the new reward system look like :

🖱️ Basic User (€1 )
- Access to the catalogue of models (will be updated every new release)
- Get the lite pack of Ultimate Poses (mainly animation loops - about 25% of the full version)

🛠️ Sequence Maker (€4.25)
- Get the full pack of Ultimate Poses (all animations + transitions + narrative poses)
+ previous rewards

📽️ Movie Fan (€5.94) - Get the HD video made with the latest poses
+ previous rewards

👄 Models Lover (€8.49)  - Get the models used in the video (with body mods)
- Once a month, patrons on this tier can vote on models available in the catalogue. Winner will be released on the following month.
+ previous rewards

👙 Fashion Victim (€12.74)
- Get the outfits used in the video (creations only)
- Get my Hook 5 settings
+ previous rewards

🎮 Hardcore Gamer (€16.98)
- Get the sequence used for to shoot the video
- Get the SequencerFX Mod (sounds synchronized with the animations)
- *NEW* Get the possibility to request poses.
+ previous rewards

🍑 Booty Hunter (€20)
- Get one extra model of your choice available in the catalogue.
+ previous rewards

👗Fashion Maniac (€25) *NEW*
– Get one extra outfit of your choice with its revealing variations.
+ previous rewards

🧪Beta Tester (40 €) *NEW*
- Get anticipated access to the pack of poses.
+ previous rewards


Upcoming projects :

- It's alive – Starring Barb Wire (Release : October 31)
- Dabbling in water colours – Starring Jessica Rabbit (Release : November 30)
- Christmas special – Starring ??? (Release : Late December)



Christian Herrera

Good to see you're doing well Nick! And hoping the changes will work out better for ya, both support and work wise 🙏 And MOAR Jessica Rabbit 😍 Can't wait to see what you do with her

Randy White

Is "Anisiya" based on any one in particular? ;-)


Considering that patrons seemed to be split between those who use poses in their own sequences and those just watch the videos and don't even play TK17, ditching the interactive sequences was the smartest thing you could have done to decrease your workload. I'm also a fan of higher paying patrons having a bit more say in what gets created, even if just a little bit. I think a discord server could help with communicating with patrons, if it was something you were willing to do. Regardless, it's just great to see you back and refreshed. I feel my own creativity shoot up when I know your working on new stuff, and it makes me all the more eager to make something out of your hard work that everyone can enjoy. :-)


Good to see you back nick


Awesome to see you back Nick, glad you gotten things settle. Sometimes a break from the world is just what most people need I've been there. Was kinda bummed to not have any new poses to play with over the summer. But all your other past work I am glad was to go back and play with. I look forward to seeing new content of poses and loving the new models can't wait to see which ones we will get to play with in the future!


honestly man you put more work work into these scenes than many full live action movies, just know we appreciate the effort.

Randy White

I follow a certain Anisiya on other platforms...perfect little body, great personality.


January 2022 Porn Academy Ep.1 ? =D