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Christian Herrera

Joy to the world! St. Nickcockman's return easily is one of the best things to come from this year! Merry Christmas to you Nick and thank you for all your hard work 🙏


After finally getting around to playing with the poses for a few days, I can safely say I'm satisfied with what's here. Having four models is great and whole new scenarios can be made with an extra set of hands or tits, whatever it calls for. I do have two minor criticisms that don't pertain to this pack of poses in particular, just some trends that have been cropping up ever since the first pose pack. 1) Some poses are starting to look a bit too similar from pack to pack. Each pack does a satisfactory job of being unique with some great location specific poses, but there a few that now that seem to have reappeared with the only differences being exactly where it's happening. 2) Another reason poses are starting to look too similar is having to tie the same few sound effects to the poses. While sounds absolutely elevate videos and sequences to something much more high quality, I feel it can be hindering to pose variety. I feel the simple solution to this is creating some poses that are not at all tied to sounds effects, like the 7.5 poses were. All that said, this is probably still my favorite pose pack for the simple reason of having three female models. I'm excited to see what else you'll do with 4 models. MMMF sounds great for obvious reasons, be even something like MFMF would be interesting in situations like partner/spouse swapping or stuff like that. Whatever you end up doing, I'm here for it, so here's for more success in 2021!

Nickcockman (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-05 09:11:45 Thanks for your detailed feedback. 1) "Some poses are starting to look a bit too similar from pack to pack." -> Pose variety depends on the time I have and I want to keep releasing one pack of at least 50 poses each month. If I have to re-use some old animations to do so, it's OK for me. Just to illustrate, in the latest pack, one triple blowjob took 4 hours to animate... You'll understand I can't do that for all the poses of the pack. 2) "Another reason poses are starting to look too similar is having to tie the same few sound effects to the poses." Not really because I can re-use one particular FX for a totally different pose. 3) "I'm excited to see what else you'll do with 4 models." -> I planned to release one MMMF next year.
2020-12-30 07:21:32 Thanks for your detailed feedback. 1) "Some poses are starting to look a bit too similar from pack to pack." -> Pose variety depends on the time I have and I want to keep releasing one pack of at least 50 poses each month. If I have to re-use some old animations to do so, it's OK for me. Just to illustrate, in the latest pack, one triple blowjob took 4 hours to animate... You'll understand I can't do that for all the poses of the pack. 2) "Another reason poses are starting to look too similar is having to tie the same few sound effects to the poses." Not really because I can re-use one particular FX for a totally different pose. 3) "I'm excited to see what else you'll do with 4 models." -> I planned to release one MMMF next year.

Thanks for your detailed feedback. 1) "Some poses are starting to look a bit too similar from pack to pack." -> Pose variety depends on the time I have and I want to keep releasing one pack of at least 50 poses each month. If I have to re-use some old animations to do so, it's OK for me. Just to illustrate, in the latest pack, one triple blowjob took 4 hours to animate... You'll understand I can't do that for all the poses of the pack. 2) "Another reason poses are starting to look too similar is having to tie the same few sound effects to the poses." Not really because I can re-use one particular FX for a totally different pose. 3) "I'm excited to see what else you'll do with 4 models." -> I planned to release one MMMF next year.


Keep up the good work Nick - your sequences are very complete: cinematography, angles, dialogue, and of course the amazing poses. NB. been following you since the Angel and Devil Beach Sequence from ?8 years ago lol. That was one of the best pieces of 3D Erotica ever


Any chance this MMMF release is still planned?