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First, I want to thank you guys for your support and kind words. I was a bit anxious before this restart - the fear of disappointing - and I must confess your positive reactions are a true relief ! So thanks a lot for your encouragement. This is very stimulating and motivating and I hope this is the beginning of a long relationship. 🙏 

Some of you contacted me about bugs when using my old animations or models.
ABOUT THE POSES - The former poses were made with the previous version of the game (7.5) and are unfortunately not compatible with the version I'm currently using (VX). I tried to convert them when VX was still in Beta but I quickly gave up the idea because there were bugs I couldn't fix and sometimes CTD. I keep them available for some time yet because there are still V7.5 users out there. But I'll delete them when I'll have enough content for VX. So please be patient, hundreds of poses are coming in the next few months. Your stock of animations will be renewed very soon !

MODELS - The models I used in the past had a different body mesh and proportions. They are also obsolete... However I could think about remaking them with the actual body mod if you guys are interested. Let me know your opinion in the comments.

My IRL job is quite time consuming these days so I'll be silent for the rest of the week but you'll get news on my progress early next week.  😉 

Have fun on the beach !  😎 



Christian Herrera

Would definitely support the older models being updated. Technically Jessica rabbit is an older/previous model, and would love to see other models get the same treatment. Thank you again for this comeback Nick!


I'm also in support of the older models being updated! They are classics imo, and Jessica Rabbit technically was updated as well.


thank you again Nick! I liked all of your work, old and new. Either way, looking forward to more of your work!


I will be very happy if models from past works come out. I hope the old poses will be updated someday.


Welcome back Nick, I enjoyed you work back than and still amazed at the work with the new pose pack look forward to more. I'm am one of those V7.5 users. I as able to use your poses using a utilities program that's on the modsgarden to convert VX poses to V7.5 which works fine just have to modify the poses slightly is all doesn't work with 4some poses only up to 3some to convert to V7.5. With the models I can't use the body mods provided due to V7.5 if the mods were a txx file be fine but models faces and textures do come out fine so all I do is modify the models body to look similar to yours and I'm pretty happy with that! Can't wait to see whats next!!!


Great ! You must know there are also programs to encode a folder as a .txx file. I used this one in the past : http://modsgarden.cc/tools-software/27/game-files-unpacking-tools/414/;msg=46528L. You need to : 1-Install the program 2- Extract the archives I provided in Addons folder 3- Right-click on each folder and select Auto decode encode.exe 4- Put the obtained .txx files in your Archives folder And you should get all the required mods working on V7.5.


Thanks for the info took a bit of time, I was able to convert the files to .txx and place them in the archives. But maybe one or two issues, one not sure if I converted the right body mod not sure if it was the one in the starter content pack or the one in the models pack. Two when I load up the model like Jenna who is my new favorite (awesome job) it seems the game loads up the body as a default model like the face and hair and makeup are fine. But the body proportions and skin color are defaulted. Is there a body save available? I did copy the body file in the model over to my body saves and get the same result.


All the settings you need are included in the pack. Perhaps you need to select body and skin types manually with V7.5. It's been a while since I used this version...


I'll have to play around with it. It seems it's just the body and skin that keep getting defaulted, I managed to modify the body and skin as close to your version but still I would have like to use the model the way you have it setup. V7.5 may be doing it on purpose might have to go to VX in the future but I'm content with V7.5 for now.