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Here's a preview video of the interactive sequence included in the Doctor's office pack. It contains one story, two additional scenes,  95 different choices.

I didn't edit anything, what you see is what you'll get. Note there are short loading times between each choice. This is because the sequencer reloads the outfits everytime a choice is made.

The sounds you hear are included in the sequence (thanks to SequencerFXsounds mod - now updated). Let me know if you like it !




Christian Herrera

Very Loverly work. Gives options to players who want to enjoy the slow build up and into Foreplay, while giving a path to just go straight into the action <3


Looking good man. It looks like the fully realized version of those 7.5 MFF poses, but now with more godlike transitions between positions. Can't wait to use the poses!


I must say I´m really impressed with he Eddie Valiant model, not many male models look that good in-game. Girls are also very good, especially JR, the other girl looks a bit to much like Jessica in the face and body. That´s the only issue as I see it with this episode, the girls should have been more different looking, but fantastic animations as always :)


I keep the same body settings to re-use the animations with other models. It also avoids clipping issues and floating hands over smaller breasts. Similarities in faces are not wanted. This is a criticism I often had so I think I'm definitely not able to make very different faces with TK 17.


Actually I took the previous pack as a base to build this one. Let's say it's an improved remake. 🙂


Ok, and remember I love your stuff. Critisism is what makes you better and improve yourself so it doesn´t always have to be a bad thing to get ;)


Awesome work. Looking forward to the release!