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Here's a preview video of the interactive sequence included in the Beach pack. It contains two stories:
1- A day at the beach
2- The voyeur
There are 80 different choices so I can't show all the possibilities in one short video. You'll have to explore them yourself.  ๐Ÿ˜‰

I didn't edit anything, what you see is what you'll get. The sounds you hear are included in the sequence (with the mod SequencerFXsounds). Let me know if you like it !





I always thought you did a great job with your sequences. This one reminds me of one of your oldest works which was also on the beach back in the gamerotica days. That said, I have to admit that I typically go through the sequences no more than a few times before opting to make my own content, but I'm pretty sure I'm the minority on that. I figure this is a good as time as any to ask if you have any intentions of adding something like discord rewards down the line, or otherwise making some kind of space where patrons can share work they make using your stuff. I'd like to share the stuff I make with people who might like it, but I don't want to plug my stuff if your Patreon space, unless you don't mind.


There is actually a space for this on Patreon : see Community tab at the top of this page. I don't think the content you'll share here will have a good visibility though. It's best if you do this on Modsgarden (or other sites but MG is the only one I know for TK17). Share all the sequences and videos you made with my animations wherever you want. I have no problem with that. The only thing I want is to be credited on your post or in the video/sequence.


Is it possible to share your main.fx with us? at least the settings. Your graphics always look so next gen... that would be great!


looks really great.


Sure ! But actually it's not much more than Hook 5. Credit goes to pervokpetr.


Nicely done! I like the comic book feel to it. Also enjoy the aspect of choosing what to say. Very good indeed!