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I announced it in January, some of you were eagerly anticipating it, my friends, here is the first part* of the NEW CLOTHING SYSTEM!

Here's the list of all the clothes:


To install it, simply update the Starter Content. Always overwrite when asked (make a backup first if you want).

⬇️STARTER CONTENT: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3ggva1183g5a3g4wskhxo/h?rlkey=907ec5e4ibg1cob3kaeuxv51h&dl=0


The preview video if you missed it 👇 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nxu9dt606fo291y455iha/Clothing.mp4?rlkey=r4nb9ihv0g07q2dri17478i5l&dl=0


And for those who absolutely want to know everything about the mod, you'll find a PDF file attached to this post.

I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on this!


*There are two parts. The first one contain all the tops for BMX body type + all the multi outfits. The second one will include all the tops for Megatits & Anastasiya body types.


Steve Holt



I like it, can't wait to try it with the Anastasiya models (my fav) in the future. I had thought I could try to transfer the pantyhose textures over to the new system since that's what I noticed with your last new releases that had parts of the new clothing mod that basically used the pantyhose textures. But I noticed that it doesn't transfer over line up correctly. Like example the panties used for Peggy in the last release sits up on the waist than on hips. So I am assuming pantyhose textures will have to be adjusted or remade for the new system?


Yeah, the UV maps are different. My original idea was, as you guessed, to simply port the pantyhose to the other categories. But it wasn't optimal to have a full body texture AND a genital texture (like for the pantyhose). Moreover the original UV maps of the pantyhose generated weird texture results when you wanted to create striped or patterned outfit (stretched patterns). So I decided to make brand new UVs, which are better IMO.