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This update adds some new items: a laptop (with different screens), an entrance door and a desk chair. All of these are Hook 5 objects and have been ported as Toys as well so they can be animated. They'll be released at the end of the month with the full pack of animations.
⚠️ The room contains HQ textures and takes a while to load.

⬇️ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0fxdcg071e4q69uisfoq2/h?rlkey=fcl59io419q9i9w0lk11hzsti&dl=0

☝️ To install, drag & drop into your TK17 folder.

Original mod is required, available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sabrvpze1mrwu38/R_PA_Cartwright_Office_H5%24.zip?dl=0



Sorry, I do not remember the directory path of copy paste of room zip file