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Please let me know who you want to see drawn! or just let me know about hot characters in series i should check out.

Also: I would like your opinion in an experiment in the future: 

I would like to replace tier 4, 5 and 6 CG sets just for one month to a  NSFW comic. like 6 to 9 pages long, i don't know if it would be in colors or B&W, I would have to see if i can do such work in less than 2 weeks before thinking in overdoing it with colors. 

This is just an idea, please feel free to let me know what you thing. though I know it is not a fair one. It would be a chance for me to do something different and go out of my confort zone.

and if all goes well and good i could even make it think a regular reward.

later, I'll do a poll to see if you are interest in doing this for July or august or not at all!



I would love to see some haikyuu comics


i don't think i would work in fan comics though. i prefer to put hat much work in my own character.


Billy Batson (Young Justice) or Axel Mulligan (Power Players) or Zak Storm (Zak Storm: Super Pirate)