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As most of you know I'm Venezuelan, and Venezuelans have a very difficult relationship with our country, it is like having and ex-boyfriend that you can't forget, and you always end up talking about him. We hate him because we love him, and we are sad and frustrated for what could have been.

Also, most of you know that a year ago I decided to flee out of my country, to get refuge in Chile. there were a lot of reasons why I flee, like the slow genocide that is making people walk 4452 km (2800 millas) from Venezuela to Peru.

But at the time the biggest reason was the fear that the government would close the frontier and I would be unable to leave.

So, the big news is that... I returned to my country, and here’s why:

I have been feeling horrible, drained of all energy and hopes. I felt like all my goals became impossible. 

I needed a change in focus, a fresh restart. because I'm not the same person that I was a year ago. Becoming an immigrant taught me a lot about myself and what I want to do with my life.

The other major factor was how the cost of living in my country increased in the last 6 months because of the hyperinflation we are suffering. I can't afford to be the sustenance of two houses anymore.

So, I moved back to my country, here I can cut costs and finally save money to accomplish my goals or, in the worst scenario, leave again with my family.

This was not a good decision but was the only decision that gave me mental peace. or maybe going back to this hell is the proof that I have lost my sanity. 

There are a lot of scary details of how I'll live the following months that I prefer not to share but you must know that I’m doing everything to stay safe, but I must make clear that I’m not going to stay here forever. I'll be here only 8 months or less, saving money, recuperating my energy and planning for the next 2 or 3 years of my life.

Thanks for reading till this point, a I'm very thankful that you care for me.


Grayson Voyeur

take care of yourself [as everyone else is saying]. our hearts are with you. be strong and safe! and sexy! :D


My really best wishes for you, coming from safe and peaceful Germany! We see things from your country here in our news, and it’s kind of scary... like when I saw a report about this attack on your “President” in TV and shortly after read your post about an explosion close to your home, with matching pictures. My heart is really with you!