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Right, patrons, here's a fun new animation courtesy of the $5 tier!

It's strip poker, as you can see. Three sims (or two, if you want to), play a game of strip poker. It will take multiple animations - each sim losing clothing items over time as the mood shifts. 

In Strip Poker 1: Let's Play, an MMM/MMF/MFF/FFF Teasing interaction for Gaming Tables, three sims start off with different attitudes. On the left, represented by Travis, we have a cool and collected sim who knows exactly how good they are on this acorn-card-based game, and fears little. In the middle, as represented by Liberty, is a sim who would really rather not play strip poker, and fears losing. On the right, represented by Summer, is an aggressive sim deeply determined to knock the first one from their throne! A 2P variant is included to set it up, but it's meant for 3 players.

This has been keyed for all regular gaming tables (the one you play the llama game on), WITHOUT chairs or other games, as the cards and chairs spawn into place. I've left the sabbacc table out of it, as I suspect I will sooner or later surrender to doing a few Star Wars specific animations...

For now, have fun with this! There'll be more stages soon, featuring ever more nudity! Think of it as the most elaborate Teasing stage yet!




Fantastic. Many thanks.


Thank you! Had fun with this one. Once all the stages are in place, it's like a little story you can play out

Monica Meas

i like these little story ones


That's lovely to hear - I expect to do rather a lot over the coming period!