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Hello there patrons! An update and a confession for you.

I must confess that, before yesterday, I haven't actually played The Sims  for more than a year. I've had the program open almost every day of course, to test animations - we wouldn't have gotten to over a thousand otherwise. But the sims, plus all the other things I do, it all takes up a lot of time, and you don't actually need to play the sims to make animations for it, right?

I've gotten a bit scared of getting stale recently so I resolved myself to to actually play the game for the first time in a while, and it was a revelation. I remembered I actually really like this game, and it gave me a ton of ideas for WickedWhims animation I'm going to carry out. There's Bunk Beds now! There's far too little climaxes, not enough comedowns. We're going to work on those. What I'd also like to do is make a series of emotion-specific animations - the moods are so important in the game, and I'd like to latch onto that so can we have some Sad, Dazed or Tense sex animations (as well all the other emotions - with the exception, perhaps , of Fine).

Just wanted to share that with you. I'm going to take more time to actually play the game, because it's been a terrific boost. Oh, and there's an Update! Exposure Spread is an Handjob interaction for Single and Double Beds where one Sim fully exposes themselves while another pleasures themselves to the sight. It comes in two variants: Exposure Spread (M) and Exposure Spread (F), which are MF/FF and MF/MM, respectively (The M and F refer to the masturbator, not the exposer).

Anyway, thanks for listening, and enjoy! Thank you for your support!




Sounds like a plan 😊 thanks for your hard work.


Like all games you gotta take a break from them to keep it all fresh. Playing the game is really the best way to come up with animation ideas though. As you play you see what objects are missing what kind of animations and what new object would be fun if it had a certain animation.


You're right, I just wasn't fully aware I was taking a break until I actually really played it again!

True AI

I love the emotion-specific animations idea! I don't think any other animator is doing that, so it will be refreshing to see what you come up with.


Welcome back! it sounds like the game really gave you a lot of inspiration, and I can't wait to see what you come up with :))


I started at Sims2 - all expansions and DLC, missed Sims 3, have Sims 4 - up to date. Have not played the Sims ever. I use the Sims to illustrate my stories as I cannot render and my art sucks. Love what you do Anarcis, keep up the good work.


Thank you! That's good to hear, there's some many animations out there by now that kind of flying blind:)


Yes, there's really no 'right' way to play the game, which is a good thing to keep in mind. Thanks for the encouragement, it means a lot!