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Hey there, friends. Important bit of news here. I've mentioned over the past year that sooner or later I may alterpatreon tiers here a little, to better accommodate the amount of work I'm doing. For the $3 and $5 tiers, very little will change! I'll take you through:

$1 Tier: Nothing will change, this will remain the general support tier.

$3 Tier: Remains the same - $3 entitles you to Anarcis' WickedWhims Animation package, like always, multiple updates per week, still the main focus of this Patreon.

$5 Tier: The 'main' tier, really, because with this one, you get everything, the Animation package, the comic, and Full of Seamen. And, of course, voting rights for The Sims!

$10 Tier: This is currently the tier that entitles you to monthly Sims animation requests. This will no longer be the case! When I started this Patreon four years ago, I vastly underestimated the enthusiasm for this category and as a result I've been fighting uphill ever since to keep up with the requests. It's become a bit of a mess, so the request feature will be bumped up to a new, limited tier!

Instead the $10 tier will entitle you to early and experimental Full of Seamen builds. It will mean you will get updated versions of the game earlier, quicker and more often, including rough versions that may need some kinks ironed out!

$15 Tier: Like I said, this will now entitle you to a Sims request per month. I'm going to put a limit on it - not sure what yet - and the idea is that you can dip into this tier whenever you want me to make something, and can dip out of it the moment you don't immediately need anything. Which will hope fully make things more manageable.


So, in short: These changes will go into effect february 1st! Summarized below:


  • General Support


  • Anarcis' WickedWhims Package


  • Anarcis' WickedWhims Package
  • Full of Seamen - Chapter Builds
  • Quim: The erotic comic
  • Voting rights for Sims Animations


  • Anarcis' WickedWhims Package
  • Full of Seamen - Chapter Builds
  • Quim: The erotic comic
  • Voting rights for Sims Animations
  • Full of Seamen - Early/Experimental Builds


  • Anarcis' WickedWhims Package
  • Full of Seamen - Chapter Builds
  • Quim: The erotic comic
  • Voting rights for Sims Animations
  • Full of Seamen - Early/Experimental Builds
  • 1x Monthly Sims Animation Request


So there we have it. Exciting times! Please let me know if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them for you!


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