UPDATE 275 - Sexy Streaming: Masturbate on Stream (M/F) (Patreon)
Above, you can see Sexy Streaming: Masturbate on Stream, which after our previous instalments is ratcheting it up a notch - we've gone from flashing and showing off to full-blown masturbation. This one was also requested by $10 patron Dalal Rose, which dovetails nicely with our theme. I made two separate animations, the first of which is the one above, which is for female streamers (Handjob F)...
...and the second one, also called Sexy Streaming: Masturbate on Stream, but for male streamers (Handjob M). I've planned two more stages - one which is more furious masturbating, close to Climax, and one actual Climax. Plenty of days left in the month, after all, and we'd have a complete sequence.
Let me know what you think, and thank you all for your fantastic support!