UPDATE 247 - Cowgirl Climax 2P/3P/4P (Patreon)
2018-10-24 20:01:00
Hey there Patrons! Got a new Update for you, once again in keeping with this month's theme of Climax animations. So here we've got Cowgirl Climax - a title that really explains everything about it. It's an MF Climax for Double Beds, and it's looped, like my other recent Climax animations. No dedicated comedown/afterglow for this one - I'm working on a batch of several different Afterglows so you can mix and match at your own initiative.
You all know I like my animations usable in several different situations, so obviously I included 3P and 4P options. These add two extra people to the bed, expanding your options to MFF/MMF/MMMF/MMFF/MFFF!
So let me know what you think! The end of the month looms and I still have a few Climax animations I definitely want to do, so keep your eyes open for that! Thank you for all your support!