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Hey there Patrons! Got the result of the latest $5 Patron votes for you here - they voted for a new rough/forcible type animation so here we have Forcible Fiddling, a rough play sort of Teasing animation for floors that works as a 3P and 4P animation, MFF/MMF/FFF and MMMF/MMFF/MFFF/FFFF, where a bunch of people touch another person up.

This one is meant to be an earlier stage leading into the later forcible stages. I had a little trouble defining this one - it's under Teasing rather than Handjob as it's not really a full-on handjob (that one comes later). Also, the person being groped is clothed by default - this sort of touching can also be done over clothes. Lastly, I originally intended for the groped person to be usable as both female and male, but as that would get troublesome should the person be used naked - re genitals and boobs and such - I decided to just make a male variant later.

Anyway, let me know what you all think! Thank you so much for all your fantastic support, it really means lot!




You are awesome man!!!

Mikey Bohmer

Hey Anarcis. As I've said many times I really like and appreciate your work but I do have a simple request: do you think you could put all you forcible stuff in a separate file? I personally don't feel very comfortable with it but I wouldn't suggest not doing it all together if there are patrons that do enjoy it so this, I feel, would be a happy compromise because I'm sure I'm not the only one that doesn't like this type of scenario. Now I know I can turn them off in the WW settings and I do at present but to be honest I'm not even comfortable having them on my computer. To be clear I'm not talking about bondage which is between adults that agree (I'm being careful to avoid words which may raise flags because I don't want you to get a strike and Patreon can be puritanical) where as your animation skills have gotten so good that it has become obvious from the expressions on the actors faces that the recepiant of the attention in these animations is unwilling. I hope I'm not coming off as a prude and I certainly am not being judgmental, I don't believe depicting something in a computer animation leads to something in the real world, it just doesn't work that way psychologically, this is a purely personal feeling. I'm also not suggesting that you create another tier for people who want both, you have the best value for money of all the animators and I hope you keep the structure the same long into the future. Thanks for all your work, even the stuff I personally am not comfortable with, and thanks for taking the time to read this long post. PS please do not take this as a criticism, it is not one, it is just a request.


Hi Michael! In short - yes, of course. I fully understand what you mean and making patrons feel uncomfortable is just about the last thing I want to do. I should stress - I know this is probably obvious - that none of this stuff is an endorsement of an act. That would be utterly repulsive. I'll be sure to place any future content of this stripe in a separate file, and start migrating the earlier stuff into that. It may take me while as it requires some digging and editing, aside from keeping up the regular animation schedule and of course, 'real world' work, but we'll get there. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, I appreciate your nuance and gladly oblige.

Apache Rose

I enjoy having a little more spice in my game. I am enjoying the variation some of your animations have added to my game. Thanks for your hard work and attention to detail. I find myself looking more and more forward to the animations you create :)

Barry Wilson

I think forcible stuff works better if at first there is surprise resistance then enjoyment. Actual forcible stuff is too rapey. But excellent work on animations


That's very cool to hear, thank you! What I'd love is to introduce as many variation to the game as possible