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1. 事件の発端 - 脅迫 - 調教- エンディング



Sound videos of May will be progressed like this.
  "Intro - Threatening - Training - Mindbreak Ending"

I guess the length of the Sound videos in May is going to have a long playback time (I hope lol)

2. 今すぐではなくてもAIボイスを導入して映像をさらに発展させる計画があります。 (今までは文字を画面に浮かせておく方式でストーリー進行が行われていた!)


I have  a plan to further upgrade Sound videos by introducing AI voice even if it is not immediately. Until now, the storyline was carried out by showing sentences on the screen!
(I'm not telling about sex scenes. There always have been sounds in sex scenes)

3. ソードアート・オンライン (SAO)の場合、今回のNTRの主なキャラクターはこのとおりです。

SAO, which is one of May rewards, the main NTR men are these.

エギル (Agil)

須郷伸之 (Sugou Nobuyuki) /  オベイロン / (Oberon)

From now on, I want to use NTR men around a main heroine in the original Anime as much as possible for Netorare like this

Thank you for reading!



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