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It’s a beautiful time of year, where I am: the weather grows warm, the days grow longer, and my to-do lists grow shorter. Act V has ceased to seem such an insurmountable mountain, and new chunks of it fall into place each week. So how’s it all going?

We’ve finished our first phase of Act V playtesting, and we’re getting ready for our second. Over fifty thousand words (and a hundred new artworks) are in place, with more on the way every day. Those numbers will be higher still when we’re done - I am not content to make our final Act an afterthought, so every member of our cast is being given a full set of new (and deeper) interactions.

Such ambition is not without cost. I’ve talked about how this has been a difficult winter of development for us - some of that I could have foreseen (there is a plague going on, after all), some of it I could not. It seems doubtful that I’ll hit my target of releasing v500 in the first half of the year, but it won’t be very long after that either. I detest any kind of delay, but I detest short-changing you on quality a lot more than that: Act V will be the very best we can make it, the very quickest we can do so.

And that’s no passive goal. This last month I’ve expanded our operations considerably, thanks to the support we’ve received. Korwu will be joining us as our second scene artist; her style is very compatible with Lubbio’s, and I’m sure you’ll all enjoy the results. Voice acting has been rebooted in a big way, with a deluge of new recordings - you’ll hear the first of those in the next interim update, arriving soon. Translation efforts are now properly organised, and we have developed some bespoke tools to support them. And we have a couple of exciting pieces of news on the writing front that are not quite ready to announce just yet.

I’m about to head back to the grindstone, but I’ll finish on a request - if you would like to help translate the game into your native tongue, please let us know on our Discord! It would be amazing to be able to share the game with more of the world, and for that we need our bilingual friends.

In any case - stay safe, stay awesome, and I’ll have more updates for you soon.


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