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January has come and gone, and I am glad it has done so - January was a cursed month for us, putting many of our team out of action at one time or another (myself included), and necessitating some unfortunate delays (this monthly dev post included).

Fortunately, we're a team effort, and we managed to keep the engines running regardless. Version 4.1.4 has been released, and is free for everyone on Itch. I'll be putting together some HQ editions over the next couple of days, which will release for patrons on Discord.

Now we're back on our fortnightly schedule, and have plenty of things to tie into our next update. Doggo fans won't be disappointed - a slew of new Naho and Eburon content is in the works. Looking a little further ahead, we're making headway on the next part of the main plotline, Assault On Pale Rock. Pale Rock is unlike other conquest sequences; it will really push the limit of what our code magic can do, offer you some significant choices, and deliver us to the long-awaited Act IV finale.

Funding is holding steady at the moment, with little movement up or down. Reality is tough for a lot of people right now, and I really appreciate that folks are continuing to give us their support. If we see pledge growth in the near future, we'll have the chance to considerably expand our VA and animations - but we'll have enough to keep the lights on either way.

I'll be posting up some art previews in the next few days, getting us back to business-as-usual. Until then, look after yourselves, and stay awesome.



Feb is here :)

