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Hi folks! I've wanted to give a little extra kickback to our staunchest backers for a while, and with my new full-time commitment that's much easier to make a reality. In fact, there are two kickbacks:

Weekly Stream & Dev Chat

Once my smallest furry assistant is properly settled into her new home, I will start weekly livestreams on Sundays, 16:00-18:00 UTC. I'll be doing something relatively low-intensity, so that I'm available to voice chat and talk about the game and the dev process. I won't be giving away spoilers, or any personal details, so don't ask for them. Server rules will apply as normal.

Server Gaming

For people with access to the stream, I'll also set up a persistent channel so that you can coordinate rounds of Among Us, your favoured strategy game, or whatever it is that the kids are playing these days. I won't be taking regular part (my time is extremely limited), but Valfyr-Var and others will be getting some things going.

Both of these will be announced and coordinated on the new #resplendent-court channel on Discord. Access will initially be limited to Resplendent Ones (30$+ patrons) and members of the team, at least while we get things going. I'm looking forward to talking with you!
