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We're in a damn fine place. Our latest version is out on Itch (check it out if you haven't already!), which adds some shiny new features and almost-completely-stabilises the game's performance. There's more of that to come, by the way, thanks to Tosk's unending efforts to coax RenPy into something approximating animation-friendliness.

Elsewhere, business is much as usual: Lubbio is drawing more beautiful scene art, LoveStruckBear will be filling out our character art variants, and Amon Ra is working his way through all the characters who are awaiting idles.

It's time to start looking at 4.1, and progressing the main plotline forward. To that end, Var is leading the first full-team writer collab: the excitingly-codenamed Project DDD. If that goes well (and I do think it will), we'll have a powerful new writing format to help us through the finale and into Act V.

Thanks again to everyone who upped their pledges or provided other kinds of support during last week's crisis - you're all breathtaking. Ravager is an astoundingly ambitious project running on a small budget, and a large amount of enthusiasm. Your kindness and delight helps to bring it to full and glorious fruition.



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