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Well, how's this for a bit of turnabout? My computer was totalled, but I have been able to retrieve my critical data - including the pending build of Ravager. And, thanks to an incredibly kind donor who stepped forward, I've got a brand new computer on order.

This means two great things. One, I'll be back in business in the next couple of days. Two, I won't have to look for another contract quite so soon - which means I can keep developing full-time for longer.

I'm hoping to have a build ready this week. It'll include the latest work from our artists, and some nice new features, while I continue to work on Act IV.

In the interim, there's a present for Patrons on Discord: Honey Select 2 models for six of our favourite waifus (Marie-Anne, Heloise, Valzira, Naho, Cuchilla, and Darja). So if you find you have idle hands this weekend, consider downloading.

Thank you, everyone, for your support during this clusterfuck of a week. And thank you especially to our anonymous benefactor! It turns out that, sometimes, a crisis can be turned around real fast.




Great news! ^^