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Stepping delicately up the stairs comes the Inquisitrix. The room falls still and silent, save for the click-clacking of her heels against the tiles.

Long alabaster hair is the first to appear, falling in lush cascades around her pointed ears. It frames milky white skin, as delicately carved as porcelain. Her gaze is cast down, but her lips are touched by humour. As she rises, the tresses of her hair give way to silk robes, richly patterned in teal and cream. She crests the stairwell, letting her skirts fall from her hands and shroud her feet once again. She stands a head and a half above any of the men that surround her.

"I-Inquisitrix Hëloise. We were..." He glances between the assembled soldiers. "We were about to... deal with the dragon. There's really no need for you to..."

"Get involved?" Her smile broadens, and then falls away. She opens her eyes. Her irises are a glassy sky blue, clear and sharp as cut crystal. She turns them first on her sergeant, and then on you. "I don't see why you need to be involved. The dragon and I, we're just going to have a conversation, aren't we? There's no need for violence."

Our third new character for Chapter 3, Hëloise, is an enigmatic figure with a unique approach to handling her problems. Brought from lands unknown to investigate the infernal threat,  Hëloise has a few tricks up her silk sleeves...

Hëloise's character art will be done by Vira, but this gives you an idea what to expect.  Voice casting is beginning soon. 



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