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In the next version, we're introducing a new character: the inquisitrix. We're in a pretty unique position, because the inquisitrix hasn't been written much about - and we can fit a variety of personalities into the story we have planned.

So I thought I'd throw it open to you: what kind of inquistrix would you like? I've put together some personality descriptors, and (very rough) character designs to go with them. Pick the one you like most!

(Yes, one of these is the old Ser Branhilde - who is otherwise being retired, as she's a bit of a narrative dead end. If you have a thing for taciturn outdoorsy blondes, now's your chance to reincarnate her!)



Coty Reubart

the ice queen and the noble are duking it out right now

Coty Reubart

the knight fell on her own sword