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So, today I received several messages that my online store links were no longer working. I Tried to log in and found my account suspended. Through some work I found a way to contact their tech support.

A complaint was made to them about some of the products I sold, and against my DeviantART account. Obviously the fact that some of my older work was suggested that the prey was not adults, offended people. They sent me the notifications as to my violations and the steps to clear it, both of which I missed because I do not use that email anymore. As a result, my account was suspended and, unfortunately, permanently closed.

Their support did an excellent job working with me. And the things to correct on my end had nothing to do with the actual content in my comics, but only the wording of some descriptions and the use of their logo on an image.

That said, and as willing as I am to correct these things, once an account is deleted it is permanent and can not be revived. That means that 15 years of work selling through this platform is gone for good.

At this point I want to address a couple of things....

My content does not featuring anything that violates rules or terms of service from any platform I utilize. Questions about the age of my characters are irrelevant for 2 reasons...1...THERE ARE NO REAL PEOPLE IN MY WORK. Read that several times if you have questions. I understand what my work depicts, but I think everyone here can recount cartoons as kids where this type of thing happened all the time...If the FCC passes that, I wonder sometimes if mine would.

I get that we are in a new world that is FAR different from when I started this work 15 years ago. I have changed my style and what I release to keep this exact thing from being a problem.

The 2nd thing I want to address directly is this online sales platform. I have nothing bad to say about the platform, nor the service I received for 15 years, and the service I received today trying to correct this issue. Had I of checked this email and corrected these issues, my account would still be active. It is what it is. I Appreciate their work in helping me correct it as best as could be done.

Lastly, I want to direct a statement at the individual who reported the account. The individual stated in their letter to the platform that they were also an adult content creator and that my work "Casts other adult creators in an ugly light". Well worded, except all of us adult creators are already cast in an ugly light in this day an age. We live in a world of NoFap, Semen retention and self help that casts our work in, rightly so, a bad light, because of what it is. I'm not mad that it was reported, more so that a self righteous individual fools themselves into thinking they are holy their thou because my work offends them. This is common of the new age Woke Culture and something I forsee only getting worse.

For now, my Patreon is still open, and anything that was on my online store is still available on Patreon. Going forward, I am working towards a solution and will keep everyone informed as to what I decide to do moving forward.

With Love



Some people fucking suck. Woke culture ruins yet another good thing

Sarah F

So do you still have all that work somewhere? I was planning on buying a bunch of it next month and this is crushing to here.