IM NOT DEAD! But almost... (Patreon)
So, 2019 hasn't exactly started out as the "Woohoo New year New me" I hoped it would. In the span of a couple weeks I have come down with a pretty nasty virus, preceded to give said nasty virus to my family. My septic system went to hell which costs a pretty 5 figure number to fix, my water heater went out and my wife's car had the engine go out. So, needless to say, 2019 isn't starting like a sweet little lamb, more like a rabies infested sex deprived lion to my freshly put on Lioness in heat cologne.
This all being said, there are two reasons the monthly comic has been delayed. The first being most of the above circumstances. The second being that once again Patreon declined a metric assload of pledges, and I wanted to see which ones, in time, would return. As most of them did, I feel safe that we are good to go. I have the comic more or less all laid out, and just need some post-production work and each page will be up. Expect everything in the next couple of days everyone. Sorry for the trouble!