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Hello Lovelies!  I've been working on an ambitious project this month which I am calling This is Todd.  

Todd is University student who has done something to gravely insult a god.  Now the god has cursed him! His whole life is completely different!  What exactly has changed?! Roll the dice to find out!

Right now, I've written up 3 stories: 3 outcomes for poor 'ole Todd, but I've made images for over 30 different outcomes!! I plan to finish writing out the rest of the stories and sharing them out next week.  The last image posted is a gif teasing some of those stories to come...

If you have any other ideas for this poor boy, please feel free to share them.  If I like the idea, and I'm able to do so, I'll add it!

This post was inspired by a post I saw DekoTF make last month.  A Girl with a remote control that quickly gets out of hand (NSFW) and results in a gif showing many lovely headswaps.  If you haven't seen it, check it out: It starts on this page: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42560975/ but the gif can be seen here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/48675991/

Stay Sexy lovelies,

Jessica Strange <3
