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Hello Lovelies!

Sorry about the radio silence recently. Life's been crazy busy and I have fallen behind schedule a bit.

I still intend to reward all you lovelies just as much as every other month... It's just going to be all clumped up at the end here as I finish out all the ideas I had.


On a separate note, I'm considering changing the Patreon payment so that when you join for the first time, or upgrade, Patreon will request the payment upfront for the current month, instead of asking at the end of the month.  I don't expect this to affect most of you reading this message, but I just wanted to let you all know, and give you the chance to share any input you may have.  

Thank you all for your continued support!
Jessica <3




I'm guessing you need to keep your concentration when ending the "togetherness" spell if you want to make sure everyone splits with their own parts. 🤔😂