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I figured I would come back to these little cuties after one of you lovely patrons (rr) commented about the last time I made an image of them last post from a few months back.

If any of you have a request let me know! Especially if it has to do with continuing one of my old pieces, I would be happy to take another look at it!  

Currently in my request todo list is to continue my comic "Sitter" from a few months back (where a male babysitter ends up having to watch over a baby that was much much younger than he anticipated) :)

Thank you all so much for being patrons!  Making art like this is incredibly fun to do, and the idea that people are willing to support me is mind-blowing!

Thank you all so much!

Jessica Strange <3




In that case I have four requests to throw your way. A part 2 of Mitosis Cloning. Would like to see how the rest of their date goes, or what a second date is like. The bodies they both got were great and really varied, and it was fun how the one girl said everything with both of her heads. A follow up on Stuck in the Middle would also be fun. I really want to see what kind of situations that guy has to deal with, without any agency of his own and dealing with the choices and actions of those two (by the looks of things) very horny girls. It's a real throwback now, but a Merging Event part 2 would be great. Seeing even more merges and the captions that go with them. And finally, the odd one out, in the Conjoinment Captions post, there were two guys who ended up sharing a copy of the body of a girl named Sara. I'd like to see what happens next for them, how they deal with the one guy's girlfriend and just how perverted this Sara is that they now look like (mostly) from the neck down.


Thank you for doing some more of these two! Love their design :D


Thank You for the requests. I like them all! I'm not sure how long they will take me, but I will probably get to all of them eventually :)