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Hi folks! We have great news for you - it's time for the launch of a new column where you can engage with characters from your favorite game. Sounds interesting? Then let's get started!

Here are the rules:

  • You can only ask questions to characters in our game. You simply ask a question and specify to whom it is addressed. ✔️
  • A question should be one that the character is able to answer. If your question is about future content - the character won't be able to answer, because it hasn't happened yet! 🙂
  • You can ask any questions on any topic - the characters will pick the most interesting ones and answer them next time. 💯

This column will be organized in two parts: first you ask questions, then the characters answer them, and so on. As long as you actively participate in this, it'll keep on going!

We'll see you with the answers ready in a future post! Take care and thank you for your support!


Shadow Portal Team


Anarcho TV

Question to Sarah: After your final body change do you feel anything new? Something more than power, a certain kind of a strong urge?

Anarcho TV

Question to Zard the zerling leader: Is sensitivity to anal stimulation true for all zerglings or is it just Spike that is peculiar?

Ultimate otaku

Question for Sarah: out of all the lewd things that has happened to you what was your favorite