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Hey people, the Shadow Portal team is back with some special news. Why special, you ask? Well, it's the grand announcement of update 37! Get ready, dear readers, because today's news is hotter than freshly baked buns from the oven! 🥧

First of all, let's dive into the changelog and then we'll find out all the juiciest moments, shall we? Ready? Let's go!


🔥 High priority:

  • New event: “Choice”
  • New event: “Operation start”
    • Ponderings: Queen of Blades’ plan
  • New event: “The beginning of the final phase”
  • New scene: “New old friends” (Ursadon and QoB)
  • New scene: “Oh you wait!” (minigame)
  • New scene: “Last rimming”
  • New scene: “Last night”
  • New SFW scene: “Chase”
  • New dialogue: “First contact”
  • New dialogue: “How did that happen?”
  • Scene continuation: “Not much of a helper” (QoB)

🔥 Medium priority:

  • Meme: Skip Button
  • Machine translation: poll winner (german)
  • New scene: “Sleep”

🔥 Low priority:

  • New sprite: Naked Stukov at the bridge
  • UI update: Crumpled box

🔥 Approximate release date: mid-November

Remember that this is just a preliminary list of changes for the upcoming update. We may change things during development, but we are committed to doing the best for you, our wonderful players! 😄

We also have good news for people who voted for the Abathur or Lizzara plan, which won't be in the game at first. We'll be cycling development of the three plans and add to all of them bit by bit. Everything will depend on the speed of development and the overall stages of each route. Well and of course your feedback, don't forget we are developing the game for you and your satisfaction is our main goal.

We understand that at least one of the scenes with the Zergling you're looking forward to is rimming. And yes, it's going to be hot, the teaser is just around the corner. We're interested in your reactions ourselves!😉

Now let's turn our attention to the "New old friends'' and "Oh you wait!" scenes. The former is sure to be intriguing as it features the Ursadons' epic encounter with the Queen of Blades, who is on the hunt for the top-secret essence that Sarah has stashed away from her. As for the second one... Well, some of you may have already caught the reference and made some interesting conclusions! This is going to be a minigame, well of course if you know for which scene, go ahead and put it in the comments!

That's where we end, but have no fear, we've got more to come in upcoming teasers where we'll be sharing all of the most interesting details! Don't forget to check out our page often so you don't miss anything. Thanks for reading, friends. See you soon! 🌌

Sincerely yours,
Shadow Portal Team



Rolo Clint

Can't wait !!