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Hello friends, we won't keep you waiting any longer as we unveil another teaser for a beloved scene featuring your dear Spike.Let us tell you more about the plot of the scene!

Like any woman, Sarah has those days where it's best not to make any unnecessary movements. But for some reason, it was on one of those days that Sarah reached out to our little Spike, who was snoozing peacefully beside her. He always appreciates a female's attention, but today she was unusually playful - encouraging him, turning him on. It was clear that this was time for the Zerglings favorite pastime. ❤️‍🔥

Sarah didn't stall for time and bluntly told her little buddy: "Inseminate me!", at which point he pounced on her lusty orifice. Usually Spike prefers Sarah's anus (and her tits, heh), but this time he gave in to his missus' wishes and did exactly what she wanted.

We don't need to describe the process, you already know how hot this scene is going to be. After all, it's Spike and Sarah - the perfect combination! Kerrigan will, of course, be aroused by this encounter and will gladly cum several times. However, at the end of the scene, the player will face a choice: either to impregnate the female or, on the contrary, to abstain from doing so. Both will lead to different consequences, so it's interesting to see both scenarios. Remember, saving and loading is easy to do.

That's the scene! We hope we didn't fascinate you too much with this scene, or the next "Best scene of the update" poll won't be as interesting. But don't forget to share your thoughts, whether they are wishes or guesses. For example, what do you think will happen in each option? It would be intriguing to see what our players guess! Until next time, friends! ✨

Shadow Portal Team.

P.S. Yeah we know we never mentioned anything about menstrual cycles and stuff in the game before, but we just couldn't resist implementing an idea this interesting, so hopefully it won't be a problem.




The most anticipated scene

Chau-ta-u-auch-ca Rollings

Hell, it's about damn time! I am super pumped Kerrigan gives into her baby rabbies outside of the defiler.