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Hello, people from all over the world! We need assistance, and so we're turning to our awesome community for it. It is you who can help translate SlutCraft into other languages of our great world. You see, planet Earth is already home to over 8 billion people, but not everyone speaks the English that we do. So our team thought it would be great if players could reach out a helping hand to people around them and help us translate the game into their native languages. 🌍

We are well aware that language barriers can be frustrating, but fear not! We provide you with all the necessary tools to make your translation experience smooth and comfortable. Believe us, your contribution will be crucial for us! We would be remiss if we did not thank you in advance for your invaluable support. Here is the list of the languages we are already actively working on: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

We would really appreciate it if you could help speed up (or of course start a new) translation of our projects into these languages - you would simply not believe what a huge contribution players are to our cause. However, if you don't find your language listed, you can fix that! We need more helpers to reach even more people who would like to enjoy SlutCraft in their own language.

Your help is very important to us, so feel free to contact us for more information. Message us on Discord saying you'd like to provide "help with translation" and we'll provide all the tools to get you into the game development process smoothly.

A big heartfelt thank you to each of you for your continued support. We will keep you updated on a monthly basis with progress updates to keep you in the loop. Thank you, and see you next time!

See you again,
Shadow Portal Team


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