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Hello, loyal players! We're happy to present a fresh post, even more - a new column! This time we intend to get feedback on the latest update, to find out what direction to take next. Let's get started.

We're hoping that almost a month after release, you've all had a chance to try this update. If not... what are you guys doing? The public release is here for you to enjoy! And it has seven whole new sexy scenes - that's more than ever before! So go ahead, play and enjoy! 👿

Link to the latest update: SlutCraft: Heat of the sperm [ver.0.34.1] | Public release

But back to the main topic of our post. Today we want you to share your impressions about the latest update and tell us what you liked and disliked about it. We need your help to make the game even better and higher quality! After all, we don't want our community to be a place just for us. We want you to have the courage to share with us even your deepest desires, make your suggestions and inspire us to new achievements! So we're asking you for a little favor that will work in both your and our favor. Say absolutely anything, what you liked, what you didn't like, what you'd like more of, what you'd like less of, do you want something new? You are welcome! We often implement the ideas of our players, because you are paramount to our existence!

We promise to read all of your messages! And maybe we'll even do a separate post summarizing and discussing your feedback. In the meantime, we say goodbye, waiting for your feedback. Cheerio, friends!😊

Straight from the heart,
Shadow Portal Team



First, I want to thank you for the update and for the new column where you can give your opinions. I liked the update for the most part, but there are a couple of things. I didn't like the confrontation in that there wasn't much action and compared to the sex marathon and lizzara training there were no angles, no movement. I hope I like the second part of the scene better. Also I'm really looking forward to the Spike scene, I'd like to see more of him. And Abathur is missing from the storyline somewhere. With Stukov is very interesting, Lizzara was also a delight. So did not find where to find a new change of language and did not get an answer last time :( When playing the update noticed a new control in the collection of garbage, this is good. Btw the music was still on point, more new tracks please Overall, this is one of the best patches in a long time, keep it up. Some scenes are not to my taste, looking forward to Zergling!!!


Hi, i can send you my feedback if you want... But i have to warn you, that after i finished your Product, i had like idea for everything that is in it... Starting from psychologic profile of Sara; going throught some nonsense traps and character development etc. Animations are animations - i appreciatte them as they are. I wont fix your writting but there appear sometimes annoying. However like i said - I have a solid idea for Sarah Psychologic Profile and how to make it better. But, usually when i wrote feedback to authors then i am ghosted.. So if You trully want, i can once again go throught entire game - taking notes of what i would change. That requires time, of course your codding is harder, yet still i have to find time in between my exams, to devote circa 4days. Tell me if you are interested :) I am writing my own novel so i have at least some imagination at this particular topic. But - I have never played StarCraft. I read, after our game, the story of Protagonist, and watched all in game cutscenes etc. So i can only provide feedback from Stylistic point of view ;) in general - without 3rd chapter. For me it is too much fictional/unreal/weird. So if you like to get complex critics - just ping me or give me some info ;)


I like the story and some aspects of the game. But the little mini games are poorly optimized for when they are released and are so simple they seem more of a chore then game to achieve. I like the developing story and would like to see more branch off if you Choose as Sarah to stay with the protoss. I do wish the animation and scenes had a little more variation and even some better interactions. They just seem all too similar.


Hi, thanks for the feedback, I agree some of the mini-games lack optimization, and we need to finish/redo them. As for variety, we'll see what we can do about it.