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Hello, hello, we are back again after a bit of a lull. Anyhow, there is a winner in the heated battle for first place. Let's find out who it is...

And the winner is the "Sex Marathon" scene, which unquestionably held the lead during the entire voting process! No surprise there! We really tried to make this scene look its best, and it obviously appealed to you.  Let's see what we have next... "Piggy Training"! Yes, we tried just as hard on this scene, we also added more action and an interesting delivery of the story. Third place goes to “Lizzara's Revenge”!  Wow, all three of the top scenes feature Lizzara... Coincidence? We get your hint! But let's move on, because it's "Preparation" which is just one vote ahead of "Ultralisk Essence". Not surprising, these scenes played out just like in the game - one after the other! We cannot fail to mention “Stukov's Annihilatioт” and “Fisting Confrontation”, which took the penultimate and last places, respectively.

This time we had so many candidates that we enabled the "Multiple Choice" feature, allowing you to choose your personal top scenes at once, leveling the playing field for everyone. Should we keep this feature for future polls? While you ponder your answer, we congratulate all the contestants and remember, "A participation medal is still a medal." No goodbyes for now!




I hadn't noticed the multiple choice option, but it's really cool. Especially when there are a lot of scenes

Ultimate otaku

I hadn’t either would be nice if it was kept for future polls