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There you are! Yes, yes, you, our favourite players! We were just looking for you, because update 0.34 is already here! 🎉

Isn't this a cause for celebration? Put everything on hold, because this gigantic update is waiting for you to immerse yourself in it without wasting a single minute. Let's get down to business, friends.

We promised a massive patch not too long ago, but in reality it took just over two months to make. What have we got? One huge update that could have been split in half and still resulted in a generous amount of new content! By the way, what do you think of the idea of releasing more frequent updates, but with fewer additions?

Let's go through the list of changes together, where you can clearly see what it's all about! By the way, this time we've included links to all the teasers so that you don't have to guess what they're about and you can refresh your memory instantly.


🔥 High priority:

🔥 Medium priority:

🔥 Low priority:

  • UI update: Ability to change font size
  • UI update: The 'garbage collection' minigame has a better tutorial
  • Control: Added option to control two tentacles at once
  • Fixed: Error in the "Washing Zerglig" scene
  • Fixed: In the "Zergling orders" scene, the words pussy and anal were mixed up. Freudian error? :D
  • Fixed: In the same scene, there was a problem with the display of Spike's name
  • Corrected: Other minor text errors


  • Fixed in 0.34.1: Minor text issues
  • Fixed in 0.34.1: A bug that would occasionally appear in the Hydraliska minigame has been resolved
  • Improved UI in 0.34.1: The tutorial in "Garbage Collection" can now be replayed
  • Fixed in 0.34.1: The mysterious disappearance of Lizzara at the end of the third chapter
  • Fixed in 0.34.1: Extra Stukov sprite during interaction with the button in chapter two

Download links:
For Win/Linux:


For Mac:



So, what do you think? Scared? ...Um, in a good way! Just imagine how many scenes our players will have to experience, how much new content awaits them, and how tired their arms will get. Ahem! 😅

So where were we... Ah, yes. Choose your platform above and start downloading the game right now, while we walk you through the highlights of the new update.

The preparation scene and the quest for the essence of the Ultralisk is the gateway to the finale of the game. This is the final leader for Sarah, and she will have to work hard to achieve her goals. However, it's not the last challenge on her journey. We deliberately didn't reveal details of this scene so as not to spoil all the thrills, and we won't do so now.

"Lizzara's Revenge" you've already seen several times in the teasers, this phenomenal scene features the Mutalisk, who some of you really, really love. Here, we've tried to convey more emotion by using inserts. Don't miss this scene!

"Piggy Training" is a similar story, this scene has been in your feed a number of times and all the cards are on the table, all that's left is to play it! In this scene we resorted to some tricks: music, filters and more to diversify the occasion.

"QoB's Hunger (Stukov: Level 2)" is one of those scenes that we have carefully developed over a long period of time. We've tweaked every detail repeatedly so that there's no chance this scene will leave you stonefaced. You're sure to love this sequel to the Hunger series! 💦

It's Lizzara and the Queen of Blades again, but this time in the "Zerglings Hunger" scene. Our duo didn't come for some tea; they're here to have a proper orgy in the very heart of the pack. There's much to love in this scene too, we've tried to add more action here, which you'll be able to spot immediately. But there's not much we can even say - it's going to be a thrilling spectacle.

And last but not least is Fisting. To reiterate, this scene will be released in two parts. In this update you will see the Queen of Blades take charge, and Mistress will take the stage in the next update. So don't think it's over yet, it's just the beginning!

Now let's grab some more of your attention. The game will now have a new separate language selection screen, beautifully designed for each of them. You'll see Sarah in new outfits! Regardless of which language you choose, be sure to check it out and enjoy the view! Believe me, it's worth a look - we've gone to great lengths to impress you.

That's it! Phew, it feels like a weight has been lifted off our chest. We've worked incredibly hard to bring new and even cooler things to the game. We'd appreciate it if you'd leave your feedback on this update on one of our pages. It would mean a lot to our team. And now, without further ado, we're letting you go on this adventure with the Shadow Portal team! See you all again! 🌌

Thank you for waiting for this moment! We wish you an enjoyable time playing!




Finally finished the new update. It was so cool! Really liked the scene with Stukov, the revenge scene and the Marathon. Could not find the choice of languages, can you tell me where to look? Also noticed that the loading of the game has changed. Update is awesome, thanks for that! Will be waiting for the continuation of the story, I can not wait to find out what ends!


Just love the update, one tiny problem for me though are the mini games, is there a way to skip them? If not , maybe in 0.35? I'm stuck collecting debris controlling the ship please help?